June 08, 2008

Clean And Press

Exercise Data
Main Muscle Worked: Shoulders
Other Muscles Worked: Triceps, Biceps, Lower Back, Traps, Hamstrings, Calves, Abdominals, Shoulders, Glutes
Equipment: Barbell
Mechanics Type: Compound


Beginning Position
• Assume a shoulder-width stance, knees inside arms.
• Position feet flat on floor.
• Grasp bar with a closed, pronated grip.
• Grip should be slightly wider than shoulder-width.
• Squat down next to bar, heels on floor.
• Fully extend arms.
• Point elbows out to sides.
• Position bar over the balls of the feet; bar should be close to shins.
• Position shoulders over or slightly ahead of the bar. Establish a flat back posture.

Upward Movement Phase: First Pull
• Begin pull by extending the knees.
• Move hips forward and raise shoulders at the same rate.
• Keep the angle of the back constant.
• Lift bar straight up.
• Keep bar close to the body, heels on the floor.
• Keep elbows fully extended.
• Keep shoulders back and above or slightly in front of the bar.
• Keep head facing straight forward.
• Maintain torso position.

Upward Movement Phase: Transition (Scoop)
• Thrust hips forward and continue pulling until the knees are under the bar.
• Keep feet flat.
• Torso should be nearly vertical and erect.
• Keep shoulders positioned directly over the bar.
• Keep elbows fully extended.

Upward Movement Phase: Second Pull
• Brush bar against the middle or top of thighs.
• Keep torso erect and head facing straight or slightly up.
• Keep elbows straight.
• Move bar explosively by extending the knee, hip, and ankle joints in a "jumping action."
• Keep shoulders over the bar as long as possible, and elbows out.
• Keep bar close to body.
• At maximum plantar flexion, shrug the shoulders.
• At maximum shoulder elevation, flex and pull with the arms
• Keep elbows high during pull; keep them over the wrists.
• Pull bar as high as possible.

• Rotate elbows around and under the bar.
• Hyperextend the wrists as the elbows move under the bar.
• Point elbows forward or slightly up.
• Rack the bar across the front of the shoulders.
• Keep torso erect.
• Flex hips and knees to absorb the weight of the bar.

Overhead Press
• Without moving your feet, press the bar overhead.
• The barbell is to be pressed evenly in a continuous movement to arms length overhead.
• During the Press, the trunk may be inclined backwards to any extent, but the legs must remain braced and there must be no movement of the feet.

Downward Movement Phase
• Lower bar slowly and under control to top of thighs.
• Flex hips and knees as bar lands on thighs.
• Squat down toward floor.
• Maintain erect torso position.
• Keep bar close to shins.
• Place bar on the floor.

• Inhale before the first pull of the first repetition.
• Hold breath until second pull.
• Exhale through the sticking point (shrug) of the second pull.
• Inhale during the downward movement phase of succeeding repetitions.

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